Soaring Rabbit


This page is an index of links to websites, articles, and other informative sites on the web relating to the Keio Yuugekitai series. It mirrors the Reviews \ Articles section in some respects but differs in that this is an exhaustive index of all internet sites and articles regarding Keio Yuugekitai.

Please contribute to this section if you find anything interesting! Any sort of link will be gladly accepted, as long as it’s interesting, somewhat permanent, and has something to do with Keio Yuugekitai. Remember that information about this series is scarce on the web, so even a paragraph review of one of the games would suffice. Let SuitCase (Email link) know and you’ll be rewarded with.. a mention of your name, or something.

Game-related Sites

Keio Yuugekitai Websites and Information Pages

Keio Yuugekitai Reviews and Articles

Merchandise and Other Stuff

Miscellaneous Sites

Back to the Soaring Rabbit main page.

Page last updated 9th of March, 2009.

Keio Yuugekitai, Keio Flying Squadron and all associated trademarks are copyright ©1993-1998 JVC Musical Industries Europe Limited and Victor Entertainment Inc. All items in the Resources section are also credited to JVC Musical Industries Europe Limited and Victor Entertainment, Inc. unless otherwise specified. Pages written, arranged and compiled by SuitCase (Email link), additional help from those mentioned on the Site Information page. HTML 4.01 Strict and proud of it.